What You Do Matters: 3 Aha Moments from this Week

Saturday, January 21, 2017

This week I had some awesome "oh my gosh, they're actually learning something important" aha moments that I'm eager to share with you! Don't you love when that happens?! As teachers, we want to know that what we're doing matters, that we're helping our students become amazing people and learn worthwhile life lessons along with academic content. I hope you read this and a) realize that what you do matters, b) you have your own aha moment, and/or c) you get some ideas to implement in your classroom!

The first "aha" moment came when we learned about Martin Luther King Jr. We read Martin's Big Words and talked about how MLK believed in peaceful protests and "fighting" with love, not hate. Wow! I mean, wow! I was beyond impressed with the reactions from the 5 and 6 year olds in my classroom. I did edit the story just a tad to have more appropriate language for my little leaders, avoiding any topic or word that might spark conversation not meant for a Kindergarten classroom. The main objectives for this read aloud were for the students to understand that Martin Luther King Jr. grew up in a time when segregation among people based on skin color was happening and that he believed in making change in a peaceful way. It is amazing to hear their reactions to segregation and to watch as they grasped how MLK tried to lead this change. One of my students said, "I love love." It truly touched my heart. After talking about how people still remember him today, we created directed drawings as a way to help commemorate MLK in the present (pictured below). We used directions from Mrs. Miner's Monkey Business free product :) She also has an awesome blog post on MLK lessons incase you still wanted to touch upon it this week or want to put it in your files for next year!
Amazing Directed Drawings! 

The second "aha" moment was part of the first - those directed drawings! I can't believe I haven't been doing more of these, and if you haven't either, you will after you hear about this!! Every month my students are creating self-portraits and writing their names to create a personal book at the end of the year (which I cannot wait to see)! Their handwriting has changed drastically since September, but there hasn't been a large change in their self-portraits. I realize now that the reason we haven't seen a large change in self-portraits is because we haven't spent enough time on learning techniques of drawing and we really should be! Using pictures to express ideas is part of the Kindergarten curriculum. Not to mention - they're 5 and 6. Fostering creativity and a love for learning is arguably the most important part of this job. Later in the week we created self-portraits and the difference was incredible!! 
A close-up of several MLK directed drawings

The third and final "aha" moment of this week came when the district's internet went down and I couldn't access any of my flipcharts. (If you don't know what this is, it's like Promethean Boards version of Smart Notebook  and it's awesome!!). Because of this little mishap, we had to wing it - which ended up being valuable for everyone. Morning Meeting is my favorite part of the day! (I plan on explaining why in a future post). At this point in the year, it basically runs myself - isn't it awesome when your students can lead the classroom?! But I knew that with a change in routine, that may not be the case today. Instead of utilizing the smartboard to support our morning meeting, we went non-digital. Smartboard off. Classroom calendar posted on the board, singing with no music, and using actual magnetic letters and cookie sheets instead of interactive letters. My students have never been so focused! So teacher friends, I challenge you, stray from the routine every once in a while. Turn off your interactive white boards and connect with your little leaders in a different way.
A snapshot of one of our Morning Meeting activities, creating patterns
with oversized shapes. They LOVED this!

So remember, what you do matters. You are making a difference. Your students are learning invaluable lessons.


Make Your Meetings Productive and Enjoyable!

Sunday, January 15, 2017
Click the image to get some cute note-taking pages!

Ok, I know what you're saying... Meetings? Enjoyable? Those two things do not usually go in the same sentence. But maybe they can if you have cute paper to write on! 

Flashback to this past week. It was Thursday and I had just gotten over having the flu (yuck!). We had a staff meeting that afternoon, but if I'm being honest, what I really wanted to be doing after school was going back to bed. Since I wasn't about to make myself a cup of coffee (You know you're not feeling well when you don't even want coffee!!), I made the next best thing... a printable for my Big Happy Planner! :)

At first I created it with Google Fonts... added some adorable teacher graphics from EduClips ...but then this weekend I discovered Brittney Murphy Designs and OMG am I obsessed with her fonts! 

I got to playing around and now you can have FREE, fun note-taking pages for your meetings too! Click the first image to grab it in my store! 
Here's a preview of the different styles: 

Happy note-taking!


Be a Goal Setter in 2017!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Blog Makeover!

Hello Readers! So.... I'm jumping on the Blogger bandwagon! I've been seeing so many teacher bloggers share their blogspot blogs and had to check out what all the hype was all about. Wow! I can do SO much more customizing on blogger! Want to know how I did it?? 
This morning's productivity brought to you by Coffee ;)

First things first... change that template! 
I went with a the simple layout, black and white theme. I'm still playing around with a homepage layout that I really love, but this works for now. For your background image: my personal preference is to keep it clean with plain white! 

The next thing I want to point out is the "Adjust the Widths" portion of the designer. I had no idea you could do this! Keep this in the back of your brain because you're most likely going to need it after adding your header image and other features. When I first uploaded my customized images I felt super frustrated to see that they did not fit on my site. But then I realized that you could adjust everything to fit, yay! :) 

Play around with a layout that you think will work for you. You can always come back to this after you add more features. 

The "Advanced" designer tab is where I played around with custom fonts.. love this! On the Wordpress site, the fonts are fairly simple. Being a huge fan of Google Fonts, I was (way too) excited to have so many options! I'm currently using Josefin Sans :) 

Now comes the fun part... I used Carrie Loves  tips for how to edit your blogger site and am beyond happy with how it turned out! For the "About Me" Image, she suggests adding the about me text... I did something different. In PowerPoint, I added the picture I wanted and then typed up a little "about me" blurb using the beautiful Brittney Murphy fonts. A single font license allows you permission to use on your website! Love! Then I grouped the image  and text, saved as picture, and used Carrie Love's instructions to upload. Voila! This was also one of those times I had to go back to the "Adjust Widths" design feature to make sure everything fit how I wanted it too.

After formatting my sidebar features and header image, it was time to add Social Media icons. I followed this tutorial by Emily at Blogaholic Designs and it was super simple! 

And that's it friends! I am more than happy with my new blog design and can't wait to continue this exciting journey! 

Tackling the Count to 100 Standard with 3 Easy Strategies


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Primary Line Papers for Happy Handwriting


Gingerbread Writing Activities


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Did We Cover That Standard? How I Keep Track of What I've Taught and What They've Learned.


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